‘s probably a little better than what PricewaterhouseCoopers offered her. “

‘s probably a little better than what PricewaterhouseCoopers offered her. ”
It can be said that among the women she has met, if she really wants to find a beauty who can compete with Zheng Yan in terms of comprehensive conditions, the only one is probably Liang Ya’s mother Cheng Wenjin.
She is also a monster woman. Of course, this is not what she said. She was not that mean, but Tian Xin’s private evaluation of Liang Ya’s mother, which she deeply agreed with. A woman in her thirties and almost forty years old did not look older at all, but became younger and younger because of her career success. , charming!
Now that Wang Bo explained it like this, she felt depressed for a long time. Jiang Mei, who had been uneasy and worried for a long time, suddenly felt relieved, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. At least, she no longer had to worry about this girl having ulterior motives and bringing someone with her. She has an ulterior motive to get close to her “little man”. She is already inseparable from him. She doesn’t know how she will live without him. He is the most important person in her life.
Jiang Mei He said with a relaxed look: “Oh, so there is such a story in it? I thought she had switched jobs. As for the treatment, Xiao Zheng has a special status as your personal assistant and secretary, so it is understandable that you give her generous treatment. ”
Haha, I think so too, Meimei. ” Zheng Yan has been close to me. Over time, she will always know a lot of my secrets. If you want others to keep it secret and not give them better treatment, how can you make them focus on my interests? You say so Bar? “Wang Bo chuckled and followed the stick on the snake.
“Yes! Who says it’s not? It’s just that, your sister Xin, Xiaoya and the others, I and I are afraid that it won’t be long before we have to face the reality of adding a sister to our side! “Jiang Mei glanced at him charmingly and said in a sour tone.
Wang Bo’s heart skipped a beat again and he felt nervous. He said to Jiang Mei with a serious look on his face: “Meimei, don’t talk nonsense! Xiao Zheng has a boyfriend, and she has a very good relationship with her boyfriend! With you, Sister Xin, Xiaoya and Jiahui, I already feel that God treats me well, and I am completely satisfied in this life!
“Haha, I’m just saying, look how nervous you are! ” “Jiang Mei pursed her lips and smiled, giving him a charming look, “However, it doesn’t matter if Xiao Zheng is your secretary for a short time, but if it lasts for a long time, she will have a boyfriend. I see, her boy You can’t keep your friends, cluck, cluck.” The woman seemed to like seeing him nervous and anxious, and laughed heartily as she spoke.
/Wang Bo sweated heavily at these words, his hands spread out, his face became bitter, and he looked at Jiang Mei said: “Meimei, am I that kind of person in your eyes? A gentleman does not take away the love of others. When did I become a scumbag who takes away other people’s wives? ”
I didn’t say that you were the one who stole the wife. But, what

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